Bibliography on the history of brewing

Primary source material

In 2003 I produced bibliography of the brewery manuals in Britain in the period 1700-1860. This is quite incomplete and lacks annotations, but I've left it here for now.

Secondary surveys

Again, this is a limited survey which I compiled some time ago, but in case anyone is interested...

The history of brewing is fortunate in having already a dedicated bibliographic survey of secondary material:

The single best source covering the heyday of the porter brewery, and the importation of natural-philosophical methods, is undoubtedly Peter Mathias' voluminous and as yet unsurpassed work of economic history:

Also worth noting:

While the economic history of beer in Britain has been well covered, the social dimension is yet to receive comprehensive treatment. See, however:

An indispensable guide for anyone planning research in brewery archives is:

The usual disclaimer | Last modified at 20:43, Monday 10 January 2011