Most of the texts are referenced either in Peter Mathias 1959 History of Brewing or in the colossal bibliography of the malting and brewery industries included in Henry Stopes' Malt and Malting of 1885. There are a few texts listed, mostly drawn from Stopes, which I have not so far found catalogued at any British or Irish institution.
None of the information presented here is to be taken as definitive. Anyone who has experience of this kind of research will be well aware of the proliferation of (usually minor) errors and ambiguities in the most official of catalogues. Furthermore, Stopes' warning of "the laxity with which, in several cases, later editions have been put forth under titles varying from that of the original work" (1885: 551, note) should be taken on board, particularly as regards the anonymous material. Where catalogue sources have disagreed as to date, title, number of pages etc, this information has occasionally been excluded.
The usual disclaimer | Last modified at 20:43, Monday 10 January 2011